
Title Availability – For wholesalers about to make an order I’ve established a page that shows the current title availability, which is updated when stock levels change: click here.

The popular Coin Publications titles have always offered a wonderful opportunity for resellers. Since 1959 over 2 million books have been sold through internet retailers, major high street retailers, mail order companies and smaller, more specialised outlets.

Coin Publications wholesale terms are very flexible; it is not a requirement to have a VAT number, you don’t have to be a full time specialist book seller and can be based anywhere in the world. It’s always been important that these books reach as many potential readers as possible, so regardless of whether you are a local club organiser and require 10 copies to sell to members, or are a major multi national bookseller and want to order a few thousand, the Coin Publications titles are available to you.

*Here is a list of available discount levels

Discount levels:
Wholesale Pricing
Order 10-30 books per annum: RRP minus 40%
Order 31-500 books per annum: RRP minus 50% (with free next day delivery)
Order 501-999 books per annum: RRP minus 55% (with free next day delivery)
Order over 1000 books per annum: RRP minus 60%+ (with free next day delivery)
  • (The Recommended Retail Prices can be seen in the titles area from the main menu. As standard, all books are barcoded with the ISBN and price (in GB£) and the retail prices are also printed on the back in GB£)

If you have specialist requirements:

For large quantity requirements, it is possible to customise the books with the details of your company, or even to change the price data to your local currency.

Any other special requirements will gladly be considered.

To start supplying Coin Publications books, please call 020 308 69996 (Or German office: 0049 3721 265947), or email books@coinpublications.com for details.

*If you are already a Coin Publications supplier, your current discount level will not be affected by the new transparent discount levels.